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My 5 Favorite Anti-Inflammatory Breakfasts as a Dietitian Living with PsA

Living Well

Updated July 01, 2024

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Pixel Stories/Stocksy United

Pixel Stories/Stocksy United

by Laura Krebs-Holm, MS RD LD


Medically Reviewed by:

Kim Rose-Francis RDN, CDCES, LD


by Laura Krebs-Holm, MS RD LD


Medically Reviewed by:

Kim Rose-Francis RDN, CDCES, LD


As a dietitian, I think all meals and snacks are important. But I can’t deny that breakfast is a great way to kick off your day.

It can be hard to prepare a healthy breakfast every morning before the hustle and bustle of another day.

Add to that pain, joint stiffness, and other physical limitations that can make cooking difficult, and it can feel like a lot of work for a simple meal.

As a dietitian, here are some of my favorite breakfast options. They’re easy to prepare and packed full of anti-inflammatory ingredients to help you feel great and tamp down inflammation in the body.

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1. Berry smoothie

It’s well established that berries are anti-inflammatory powerhouses. I love blending up a quick smoothie in the morning featuring these fabulous fruits. Plus, pushing a button on a blender is pretty doable, even during a psoriatic arthritis (PsA) flare.

Tip: I recommend stowing your blender on your countertop for easy access. When finished blending, rinse out the blender, add a little water and dish soap, return it to the base, and push a “low power” button. This will effectively clean the blade. Then simply put the blender pitcher and lid in your dishwasher.

Smoothie recipes are all over the internet, but many lack protein or use fruit juice as a liquid, adding more sugar than you might want.

I recommend using your milk of choice, a cup of frozen berries, and either plain Greek yogurt or your favorite protein powder to add some protein to your morning sip.

You can boost the nutrients in your smoothie by adding flaxseed meal, chia seeds, or 1/4 cup of old-fashioned oatmeal. These will also thicken your smoothie, so you may want to add a little water or additional milk.

Not sweet enough for your taste? Try drizzling some honey into your blender before the final blitz. Honey is a natural sweetener that also has anti-inflammatory properties of its own.

For more anti-inflammatory smoothie recipes for PsA, check out this Bezzy article.

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2. Walnut, apple, cranberry oatmeal

There’s nothing like a hot bowl of oatmeal on a cold morning. But instead of reaching for an instant oatmeal packet with added sugar, try making your own anti-inflammatory bowl.

Oatmeal is a gluten-free whole grain and a great source of fiber. It’s good for your heart and full of nutrients.

Another great source of anti-inflammatory nutrition is the humble apple. According to research, apples are anti-inflammatory and may have properties that act as TNF-alpha inhibitors. Many PsA therapies and medications target certain inflammatory markers like TNF-alpha.

You can quickly grate or chop an apple into a pot, along with your old-fashioned oatmeal. Or add some unsweetened applesauce for a quick and easy solution.

You can also add another anti-inflammatory fruit: cranberries. Dried cranberries pair well with apples and add a touch of tartness and sweetness to your breakfast.

I sprinkle my hot cereal with other anti-inflammatory ingredients like cinnamon and walnuts. Both of these toppings help reduce the risk of heart disease. People with PsA have an increased risk of developing heart disease.

3. Turmeric egg scramble with avocado

If you want to look at something sunny, try this turmeric egg scramble. Add turmeric powder to your eggs before whisking them together with a pinch of salt and pepper. Then scramble as usual.

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory spice that’s been associated with pain relief in patients with arthritis. It’s a great golden spice to keep on hand and stir into salad dressings, eggs, soups, stews, and more.

I love to top my scrambled eggs with salsa or hot sauce of some kind. And while eating the spicy stuff may cause you to feel all warm inside, it’s actually cooling down inflammation in the body.

Capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers that makes them spicy, has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s been used in topical creams as a pain reliever and has been shown to have anticancer effects. So if you can handle the heat, spoon some of your favorite hot sauce on the golden eggs.

To cool things off and add in some healthy fats and fiber, scoop out an avocado and serve it alongside your spicy scramble. The healthy fat and fiber in this breakfast will fuel you all morning long.

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4. Fruity yogurt parfait

Short on time? Experiencing brain fog? This is one of my absolute favorite breakfast options.

Grab plain Greek yogurt and spoon about 1 cup into a bowl. Greek yogurt is a high protein food that’s rich in calcium, zinc, and B12. It also has probiotics, which help promote a healthy gut.

Research suggests people with PsA are more likely to have gut permeability and increased inflammation in the gut. Regular consumption of fermented foods with probiotics (like yogurt) can help.

Top your yogurt with some anti-inflammatory berries or a tropical fruit blend. Tropical fruits like mangoes, papaya, and pineapple are also anti-inflammatory rock stars that will transport you to an island escape before you have to hit the morning grind.

Sprinkle a few sliced almonds, crushed walnuts, or shredded coconut on top of the parfait, and enjoy.

5. Spinach mushroom frittata

There is nothing like a delicious frittata to start your day. Packed with protein and veggies, this can be a great way to get in a ton of nutrients.

Spinach is a good source of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that may help tamp down inflammation, and mushrooms are chock full of nutrition and powerful antioxidants.

Here’s how to make my favorite frittata with these ingredients.

  1. Wilt bagged spinach in a pan with a little olive oil. Set aside.
  2. Sauté sliced mushrooms in a little olive oil and garlic first so the water cooks out and your frittata doesn’t end up soggy.
  3. Whisk your eggs with salt and pepper.
  4. Stir in the cooked and cooled veggies.
  5. Add this mixture to a hot, oiled oven-safe skillet and stir gently.
  6. Transfer the pan to a 400°F (200°C) oven for about 10 minutes. Once finished, slide the frittata onto a plate, and slice to serve.

You can even take this idea and transform them into handheld omelette bites by baking the mixture in a muffin tin in the oven at 400°F (200°C) for about 10 minutes. You can grab one or two and warm quickly. They also freeze well, so you can store them and have breakfast prepped for the week.

Pair this with a slice of toast (gluten-free, if needed) and some fresh fruit for a perfectly balanced, filling breakfast.

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The takeaway

Whether sweet or savory, there are so many good ways to fuel your body for the day.

With a balance of protein and complex carbohydrates, these breakfasts can give you energy for hours. The anti-inflammatory properties of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds will also help ease inflammation.

Setting aside time in the morning to prepare breakfast may seem daunting when you live with pain from PsA, but taking a few extra minutes each morning might just give you the energy you need to channel your inner workplace warrior.

Originally written March 16, 2022

Medically reviewed on July 01, 2024

19 Sources

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About the author

Laura Krebs-Holm, MS RD LD

Laura Krebs-Holm, MS, RD, LD, is a registered dietitian who believes that good nutrition can make a huge difference in your health. She earned her Masters of Science in Human Nutrition and completed her dietetic internship at Texas State University in San Marcos. Ever since, she has been helping people feel their best through the power of food. Her own diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis has shaped her view of using food as medicine. For nutrition tips and anti-inflammatory recipe ideas, you can follow her on Instagram.

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